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University life
Can we really work on the Special Project in pairs?
​Yes, of course. You are welcome to work on your special project with a partner. In the past, we have a case where two students work on the same project. However, the amount of work will have to be appropriate for two people and you will need your advisor's consent.
Why doesn't the department offer the Field Work course in a normal semester so that the students would not have to pay extra for the registration of the summer semester?
​The reason is related to the university's reimbursement system which requires that the expenses (fuel, accommodation, wages, etc.) we use for the Field Work course which occurs in the summer, has the be reimbursed in the same semester. Therefore, it is necessary that we offer the course in summer although we wish we could help the students avoid the extra tuition fee.
What is an Independent Study?
Independent study is a course that you can choose to study any topic you are interested in. It can be counted for 3 credits towards your elective credits (which you are required to take a total of 6 credits). Before you register for this course, you will need to find an advisor and agree on the topic of your study, your approach towards your study, and how you should be evaluated. This is very important because your advisor will be the sole person to grade you.
The work you do in this course can not by repetitively counted as your special project. However, you can take this course and work on a continuous problem with your special project, under the condition that you have an appropriate amount of work load. In any case, you must not forget that this is a 3 credit course which means that you are required to work 9 hours per week.
The topic you choose to study can be anything from subjects that you have already know to subjects that you have no clue about but you have an interest. The approach towards the study can be anything from reading papers and studying texts books, experimenting in the laboratory, working in the field, to analyzing data. The outcome of your work can be a report, or it can be a map or even a product.
About the classes
What should I do if I am interested in taking a class which is not offered in the registration system?
If you are interested in taking a class which is available in the curriculum but not offered in the registration system, please contact our curriculum secretary (currently A.Nus for the B.Sc. programme and A.Loy for the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programme) and state the name of the class you wish to take along with a name list of students who wish to join this class (a large number of interested students will help in opening the course successfully). The curriculum secretary will present your request to the curriculum committee where a decision will be made about who will be responsible for coordinating the class and who will join in teaching the class.
I have an emergency financial problem, what should I do?
Contact the faculty student affairs office immediately. They have an emergency financial allowance for you to lend for a short term. However, if you know that your financial situation is not a short term problem, we suggest that you apply for the faculty's financial aid which is offered only once per semester. Make sure you follow the faculty's announcement for applications so that you won't miss your chance and then go to an interview by the faculty committee. If you are selected to receive this financial aid in any semester, you will have to omit from applying again in the following semester (in order to give the chance to other students in need). Then, in the next semester, you are allowed to apply again.
University Life
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Send us your question! It will help you and others in the future. There is no need to give us your real name.


Frequently asked questions for current students

© 2018 Department of Geotechnology

Updated August 30, 2018

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