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รองศาสตราจารย์รุ่งเรือง เลิศศิริวรกุล
ADAB = Australian Development Assistance Bureau
ACIAR= Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research

Srisuk, K., Lertsirivorakul, R, Kanchanabatr, S and Sataruga P. 1983.  Study of Groundwater Resources in Amphoe Ban Phai, Khon Kaen Province.  Proceedings of Conference on “ Science and Technology for Development of the Northeast Thailand IX”.  Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, 27-29 October, 1983, p 260-261.

Thanvarachorn, P., Srisuk, K., Tassanasorn, A. and Lertsirivorakul, R., 1984.  Dynamic Elastic Properties of the Phu phan Sandstone, dept., of Geology, Khon Kaen Univ., Proceeding of Sciences and Technology for development in the N/E Thailand, Faculty of Sciences, Khon Kaen Univ., p. 261-262.

Srisuk, K., Lertsirivorakul, R. and Keankeow, W., 1984.  The Study of Groundwater level fluctuation in Muang Khon kaen, Khon Kaen Province.  Project No. VT4/2526 (Univ. research grant), Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

Thanvarachorn, P., Srisuk, K., Tassanasorn, A., Lertsirivorakul, R. 1985.  Dewatering in the Health Science Centre Foundation, on the light of Hydrogeological Studies, Khon Kaen University.  Presented at the Ann. Techn. Meeting at dept. of Geol. Sc., Faculty of Sciences, Chiangmai Univ., 7-9 February, 1985.

Lertsirivorakul, R., Keankeow, W.  and Srisuk, K., 1985.  Study on salinity of surface, subsurface and groundwater of Amphoe Muang, Khon Kaen.  Proj. No. VT11/2527 (Univ. research grant), Department of Geotechnology, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand.

Thanvarachorn, P., Tassanasorn, A., Youngme W., Lertsirivorakul, R. and Hirunyakerd, W., 1985.  Magnetic Survey of Khon Kaen Area in Related to Evaporite Deposits.  Proceeding of Conf. On Geology and Mineral Resources Development of the Northeast, Thailand. Department of Geotechnology, Faculty of Technology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 26-29 November, 1985, p.351-360.

Milne-Home, WA, Lertsirivorakul, R., Allan, GL and Jenkinson, AV,1990.  Anthropogenic Chlorine 36 As an In Situ Tracer of Groundwater Flow in a Fractured Rock Catchment.  In: Verhoeven, T.J. Eds., Proceedings of Murray-Darling 1990 workshop on Groundwater Research and Management, Mildura, 13 - 15 November, 1990, pp 230 - 237.

Knight, MJ, Milne-Home, WA and Lertsirivorakul, R., 1994.  Groundwater Control Measures for Salinity Management and Agriculture in the Khon Kaen Area, Northeast Thailand, Progress Report No. 1  on ACIAR Project 9222, 8 pp.

Knight, MJ, Milne-Home, WA, Lertsirivorakul, R., Srisuk, K and Chusanatas, S., 1994.  Groundwater Control Measures for Salinity Management and Agriculture in the Khon Kaen Area, Northeast Thailand, Annual Report on ACIAR Project 9222, 28 pp.

Lertsirivorakul, R. 1994. Tree water use measurement for tree growing strategy to lower the shallow saline water in Khon Kaen area, Northeast Thailand.  Proceedings of conference on Technology and Development in North East, Thailand (TECDINE), Faculty of Technology, Khon Kaen University, 19-20 August, 1994 : p.217-239.

Lertsirivorakul, R., Milne-Home, WA, Knight, MJ Srisuk, K and Chusanatas, S., 1995.  Groundwater Control Measures for Salinity Management and Agriculture in the Khon Kaen Area, Northeast Thailand, Annual Report on ACIAR Project 9222, 45 pp.

Lertsirivorakul, R., Milne-Home WA and Knight, MJ,  1995. Occurrence and origin of Nitrate in Groundwater within the Khon Kaen Region, Northeast Thailand. Proceedings of International Conference on Geology, Geotechnology and Mineral Resources of Indochina (GEO-Indo’95). Department of Geotechnology, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 22-25 November, 1995 :p 665-673.

Luangjame, J., Tandatemiya M and Lertsirivorakul, R. 1995.  Water use of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on salt affected soil at Ban Dong Bung in Yang Talad District, Kalasin Province, NE Thailand. 100th anniversary Conference of the Royal forest Department, November, 1995, Bangkok, p.33-47.

Luangjame, J., Tandatemiya, M, Lertsirivorakul, R and J. Morris, 1996. Growth and water use of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on salt affected soil at Ban Dong Bung in North-Eastern Thailand.

Lertsirivorakul, R., Milne-Home, WA, Knight, MJ, Srisuk, K and Chusanatas, S., 1996. Groundwater Control Measures for Salinity Management and Agriculture in the Khon Kaen Area, Northeast Thailand, Annual Report on ACIAR Project 9222, 31 pp.
Milne-Home, WA, Lertsirivorakul, R. and Knight, MJ, 1998. Groundwater Control Measures for Salinity Management and Agriculture in the Khon Kaen Area, Northeast Thailand, Final Report on ACIAR Project 9222, 49 pp.

Lertsirivorakul, R. and Milne-Home, WA  1999.  Application of 15N Isotopes to Identify Sources of Nitrate in Groundwater in the Khon Kaen Area, N.E. Thailand. Handbook and Proceedings Water 99 joint congress, 6-8 July 1999, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland, p.423-431.

Lertsirivorakul, R. and Milne-Home, WA  2000.  Modeling the upward flux of saline groundwater at Si Than Pond, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, N.E. Thailand.  Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution,16-21 January 2000, Siam City hotel, Bangkok, p.316-325.

Lertsirivorakul, R.  2000.  Application of Geographic Information System for identifying the recharge and discharge areas of groundwater system in Khon Kaen Province.  Proceedings of Conference on National Geographic Information I, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Central Grand Plaza hotel, 27-28 June, 2000, Bangkok, p 132-148.

Lertsirivorakul, R.  and Milne-Home, WA. 2002. Surface and Groundwater Interactions in the Huai Yai area, N.E. Thailand. Proceedings of International Association of Hydrogeologists Groundwater Conference on Balancing the Groundwater Budget. 12-17 May 2002, Carlton hotel, Darwin, Northern Territory, p. 123 (electronic pdf file).

Luangjame, J. and Lertsirivorakul, R. 2003.  Water Use of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on Highly Saline and Non Saline soils in Yang Talad District, Kalasin Province, Thailand. ACIAR Proceedings of an Imternational conference, Turnbull ed., Zhanjiang, Guangdong, People’s Republic of China, 7-11 April 2003, p. 198-202.

Milne-Home, WA, Last RA, Boun Souk, Lertsirivorakul, R. and Oondara, B. 2004. Groundwater Flow, Salinity processes and Irrigation Development in the Champone District, Lao PDR. 2nd Asian Regional Conference, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage,14-17 March, 2004, Moama Bowling Club, Moama, NSW, Australia (electronic pdf file).

Hall, N., Lertsirivorakul, R., Greiner, R., Yongvanit, S.,  Yuvaniyama, A., Last, RA, Milne-Home, WA. 2004.  Land Use and Hydrological Management: ICHAM, an Integrated Model at a Regional Scale in Northeastern Thailand. In Claudia Pahl-Wostl et al. (eds).iEMSs 2004, 14-17 June, International Environmental Modelling and Software Society Biennial Meeting, Osnabruck, Germany, p.705-710.

Last, RA, Milne-Home, WA, Lertsirivorakul, R. ,  Pheddara, P and Boun Souk. 2004.  A Review of the Potential for Salinity in Lao PDR. Proceedings of International Geography Conference on Southeast Asia: Development and Changes in an Era of Globalisation. 7th SEAGA-KKU, 2004. 29 November- 2 December, 2004, Chareon Thani Princess hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand, Abstract on p. 77 (electronic pdf file).

Hall, N., Yongvanit, S., Lertsirivorakul, R. , Greiner, R., Yuvaniyama, A., Last, RA, Milne-Home, WA. 2004.  Changing land use to manage salinity in northeast Thailand. Proceedings of International Geography Conference on Southeast Asia: Development and Changes in an Era of Globalisation. 7th SEAGA-KKU, 2004. 29 November- 2 December, 2004, Chareon Thani Princess hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand, Abstract on p. 102 (electronic pdf file).

Wiszniewski, I., Lertsirivorakul, R., Merrick, N.,Milne-Home,W.A. and Last, R. 2005. Groundwater Flow
Section  Modelling of salinisation process in the Champhone Catchment, Savannakhet Province.
Lao PDR. In Kachitvichyanukul, V. et .al.(eds) Simmod 05 International Conference on Simulation
And Modelling. Integrating Science and Technology for Effective Resource Management. Bangkok,
Asain Institute of Technology, 2005.p 360-368. Sec C3-01. 05/
paper/C3-01.pdf (Accessed4/4/05).

Lertsirivorakul, R., Milne-Home, Last, Wiszniewski, Merrick 2005. Hydrogeology and Sanility of the Kengkok Area, Lao PDR. In Wannakao et al. (eds) GEOINDO 2005. Proceedings of International conference on geology, Geotechnology and Mineral Research of Indochina. 28-30 November, 2005, Kosahotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand, p.107-115.

Arjwech R., Lertsirivorakul, R., Wannakao L.  2005. Waste Disposal Site Assessment Using Geological, Hydrogeologic and Geotechnical Characteristic of Kok Sung Subdistrict, Ubol Rattana District, Khon Kaen  Province. In Wannakao et al. (eds) GEOINDO 2005.  Proceedings of International conference on geology, Goetechnology and Mineral Research of Indochina. 28-30 November, 2005, Kosa hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand, p. 248-252.

Chuangcham U., Lertsirivorakul, R., Charusiri P., Wirojanagud W., 2005.  Hydrogeological Asessment of the Kha Ban Landfll Site, Ban Kam Bon, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province, NE Thailand. In Wannakao et al. (eds) GEOINDO 2005. Proceedings of International conference on geology, Geotechnology , Mineral Research of Indochina. 28-30 November, 2005, Kosahotel,  Khon Kaen, Thailand, p. 253-258.

Wannakao L, Arjwech  R and Lertsirivorakul R., 2006. The Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Characteristic Assessments of Waste Disposal Site  project area; Kok Sung  Subdistirct, Ubol rattana District, Khon Kaen Province. International Conference on Hazardous Waste Management  for a Sustainable Future; 2006 Jan 10-12;  Bang Kok: Research Center of Environmental and Hazardous  Substance; Chulalongkorn University; 2006. (Poster in English).

Chuangcham U., Wirojanagud W., Charusiri P. and Lertsirivorakul, R  2006. Landfll Site Characterization at, Ban Kam Bon, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province, NE Thailand. International Conference on Hazardous Waste Management  for a Sustainable Future; 2006 Jan 10-12;  Bang Kok: Research Center of Environmental and Hazardous  Substance; Chulalongkorn University; 2006. (Poster in English).

Wirojanagud W., Chuangcham U., Charusiri P. and Lertsirivorakul, R  2007. Distribution of Heavy metals in landfill leachate to Surface and Sub-surface Environment. The 6th National Environmental Conference, 07R3-05, 8P.

Chuangcham U., Wirojanagud W., Charusiri P., Milne-Home, WA  and Lertsirivorakul, R  2007. Landfll Site Characterization at, Kam Bon village, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province, NE Thailand. International Journal of Environment and Waste and Management (In press).

Chuangcham U., Wirojanagud W., Charusiri P., Milne-Home, WA  and Lertsirivorakul, R  2008. Sorption capacity of contaminated soil for selected heavy metals. The 7th National Environmental Conference, 13R2-05, 8P.

Chuangcham U., Wirojanagud W., Charusiri P., Milne-Home, WA  and Lertsirivorakul, R  2008. Assessment of Heavy Metals from Landfll Leachate Contaminated to Soil: A Case Study of Ban Kam Bon Landfill, Khon Kaen Province, NE Thailand. Journal of Applied Science, 8(8):1383-1394.

Chuangcham U., Charusiri P., Milne-Home, WA  and Lertsirivorakul, R and Boonsener, M.  2008. Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Landfll Leachate in Soil: A Case Study of Kam Bon Landfill, Khon Kaen Province, NE Thailand. In Choowong, M and Thitimakorn, T. Eds. Proceedings of International Symposia on Georesources and Environments of Asian Terranes (GREAT 2008), Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Held at Chaophya Park hotel, Bangkok. 24-26 November, 2008, p. 501-505.


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Updated 25 December 2020

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